Conditions of Hire

Medina Theatre is licensed by the Isle of Wight Council for arts and entertainment events. The auditorium is not licensed for public dancing.

The theatre conforms to certain rules and regulations for the protection of the public and the conditions of hire have been devised for the benefit and protection of the hirer(s) as well as Medina Theatre. Upon completion of the application form, the hirer of the premises enters into a legally enforceable contract and this needs to be understood from the outset.

The hirer referred to in this document means him/herself and his/her employees, agents, sub-contractors, artistes, guests or any other party concerned with or invited to the event.


Booking applications will only be valid when the deposit has been paid and the theatre application form has been completed correctly and returned to Medina Theatre. A provisional booking will be held for a maximum of four weeks in which time the booking forms and deposit must be returned. Hirers should note that the premises must only be used for the purpose stated on the theatre application form. The booking will only be confirmed when the letting approval slip has been duly authorised by the Facility Manager.

A deposit must be paid on the confirmation of the booking Please contact the Theatre Administrator for further details. If for any reason the booking is cancelled, any deposit, will be forfeited and a cancellation fee may be applied.

Please be aware that payments made by the Isle of Wight Council will take a minimum of 28 days.

Charges will be in accordance with the current fees and charges tariff. The final event category charge will be at the Facility Manager’s discretion.

If, before the letting, the Facility Manager considers that the event is likely to prove of an objectionable or undesirable nature or contrary to the details of hire listed in the theatre application form, the Facility Manager shall have the power to recommend to Culture and Leisure

Services that the application be cancelled without payment of compensation. The hirer may also forfeit the hire charge.



Medina Theatre books regular adverts with the local press. The Theatre box office will, at the hirer’s request, place an advert at the cost price plus a standard administration charge in accordance with the current fees and charges.

If the hirers wish to take up this option, the Medina Theatre press advertising form must be completed and returned to the box office giving at least 3 weeks’ notice.

Medina Theatre reserves the right to include at its discretion, the event within its own publicity material which may include, but is not limited to, a ‘What’s on Guide’.

Medina Theatre accepts no responsibility for any loss arising as a result of an event being excluded from publicity material and may omit events due to the timing of publication dates or any other reasons.

Posters and flyers are welcome. We can display A5 flyers, A3 and A2 posters.

Medina Theatre has its own designated site for 3 metre by 1 metre banners. The banner will be guaranteed to be displayed 1 week prior to the hired event. Banners of different sizes may not be displayed.



Medina Theatre can seat up to 430 people in the auditorium and a cast of up to 190 on the stage area. This number must not be exceeded (This limit is imposed by Fire Certificate). This limit may be reduced should extra equipment need to be installed into the auditorium. The hirer will be informed of this by the theatre technician.

The hirer cannot, without prior authorisation from the Facility Manager, sell goods of any description, i.e. CDs, tapes, memorabilia, raffles, etc. A standard charge will be levied to the hirer for sales. This charge is in accordance with the enclosed hire charges.

Except with prior approval of the Facility Manager the hirer shall not :

  • Make any recording inside Medina Theatre
  • Transmit or broadcast from Medina Theatre
  • Sub-let or assign any booking or booked areas within Medina Theatre
  • Allow the use of photography within the auditorium

Smoking is not permitted in any part of Medina Theatre or dressing rooms.

In all cases where any of the cast are children, the hirer must ensure that adequate amounts of adults are present to maintain efficient supervision, order and safety. The Facility Manager should be informed if the hirer feels the event will be attended by un-supervised children.

(A ratio of one supervisor per 12 children is recommended.)

The hirer cannot, without prior authorisation from the Facility Manager, sell goods of any description, i.e. CDs, tapes, memorabilia, raffles, etc. A standard charge will be levied to the hirer for sales. This charge is in accordance with the enclosed hire charges.

The hirer should supply the theatre technician with a full list of technical requirements other than those contained within the general information a minimum of three weeks before the show. The hire fee covers a standard lighting and sound set up with up to two technicians. A full list of technical requirements can be found on Medina Theatre technical information.

The hirer shall not remove any of the fixed furniture from the theatre or drive any nail, screw or other fixing or fastening into any wall, floor or furniture. The hirer shall also not install, alter, remove, add or otherwise interfere with any fittings or appliances in the theatre without the prior approval of the Facility Manager.

All members and officers duly authorised by the Isle of Wight Council shall have right of entry at all times to all parts of the theatre for the conduct of Council business.

The theatre must be informed of the name of the person in charge of the event on the day, so that the theatre staff can liaise with him or her in the event of any problem.

It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that all rubbish is cleared away. Normal daily cleaning of the premises is included within the hire charge. If additional cleaning is required after the event, the Facility Manager retains the right to charge the extra cleaning to the hirer at cost. The period of hire that the hirer is responsible for is from the time when the first piece of equipment is installed until the removal of the last piece or the exit of the hirer’s members of staff. The hirer must report to the Technician on completion of the hire.

The hire fee covers a get in at 4pm and get out at 11pm Monday to Friday or any 8-hour period during weekends and school holidays. Any deviation from this is by negotiation with the Facility Manager for which an additional fee will be charged.

The Theatre box office opening hours are as listed in on the website. The Isle of Wight Council accepts no responsibility for box office closure for any reason outside of its control.

The Facility Manager reserves the right to book security should he/she feel that the event warrants it. The hirer will be informed and the cost for this will be passed on to the hirer.

All equipment, props, etc. must be removed from the premises at the end of the hire unless prior arrangement is made with the facility manager.



You will be required to indemnify the Isle of Wight Council, as owners of the Theatre, against all liabilities and costs which may arise as a result of any allegation or act of negligence made against you arising as a result of the hiring. This indemnity must be supported by a public liability insurance policy in the sum of £10 million pounds underwritten by an approved insurer and issued in the name of the hirer. Evidence of such insurance must be provided to the Facility Manager at least 28 days in advance of the commencement of the hire period. Failure to provide evidence of insurance may result in the cancellation of the event.

Note: It is for hirers to ensure that their property is adequately insured against all reasonable risks to which they consider it may be exposed.

Please complete the relevant insurance section on the Theatre application form.

The Indemnity Form must be completed and returned to the box office with the hire application form.

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